Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why you shouldn't take astrology (too) seriously

I know this probably sound like I'm undermining the entire point of my own two-bit blog, but I think this is something that needs to be said:

Your time of birth maybe has a 5% influence on your personality. Or probably none at all.

Here's the thing about astrology. I don't think of it as pseudo-science per se. because the study of astrology does not claim to follow a scientific method or prove an empirical truth. It is an esoteric, ancient form of divination and classification based in symbolism and mythology. It is more or less an ancient ice-breaker. It has as much bearing as asking you what your favorite color is.

But hey, what your favorite color is can often say a lot about you, especially if you look at the psychological connections to color theory. In that sense, astrology does have a slight bearing on your personality. If you choose to identify with a zodiac sign, you may embody a lot of those qualities. You see what you want to see.

Though, here's another thing worth mentioning--maybe the old Greeks and Bablyonians of yore were merely missing the fact that the time of year in which you are born may have an impact on your psychological development. Not claiming any correlation here, but there is a chance that people who were born in the winter and were therefor kept inside during their growth, might develop with more introspective personalities. Whereas infants who were taken outside during the summertime might take on extroverted qualities.

But that's just me shouting into the cold void that is the internet.

And the sign of the person you're crushing on shouldn't matter either! Unless they're a Scorpio...then you should run far, far away (kidding). Again, there's that placebo effect. You will see what you want to see. If you have had bad experiences with guys who just happened to be Cancers, you might be hesitant to start a relationship with a guy who happens to be a Cancer. That's just the silly part of human nature. We see patterns. We make associations that are not always grounded in logic.

But that's okay too. Because as humans, we have the right to be silly. We have the right to examine and discuss a 2,000 year old esoteric study. But in the long run, your compatability comes down to the chemistry you have with you and your significant other.

Still, "what's your sign" will always remain a timeless opening flirtation. Maybe those randy old Greeks were onto something after all.


  1. Terrific apology/defense of astrology. The cycle of zodiac signs is so closely linked to the turning of the seasons in their poetic mythological metaphors that I don't think the ancients were missing the connection. That Aries ram's head symbol is also a new sprout of spring, for example. So you're not just shouting in the void of the internet. Although you needn't be so bitchy about Scorpios . . . or we'll getcha. ;)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The problem with the seasons is that in the southern hemisphere they work the other way round and the zodiac signs are still the same. So what for us in the northern hemisphere is spring Aries, on the other side of the equator is autumn Aries... How is that possible?

    3. Keep in mind that we get our horoscope structure from the Greeks. They lived in the Northern Hemisphere and based it off of their seasons. They didn't know the Southern Hemisphere existed (it was hard to cross the Sahara then ), much less that it has opposite seasons.

  2. I think astrology definitely has some weight to it. No, every person born between march 21 and April 21 is not exactly the same! The sun sign is just the base of a persons personality, you still have the moon and planetary placements as well as the 12 houses. If you look into all of those factors I guarantee you'll have a spot-on reflection of your personality. As far as compatibility, well the sun sign really doesn't hav much to do with that at all. Yeah, an air and earth sign probably won't work out (trust me, I'm a Gemini) but for compatibility what you really look at are the ascendant and the descendent, the first and seventh houses. If your descendent matches another's sun sign or ascendant, well that's attraction right there. I don't get why people downplay astrology so much, if it weren't real it wouldn't have existed this long.

  3. as a pisces, i personally find that astrologically speaking my sun sign description is pretty accurate albeit not 100% but then again a doctors diagnosis isn't ever 100% either. but as far as compatibility, its good to know potential problems, but i wouldn't dismiss someone based on their sign. or else all Libras would be off limits because of one douchebag in the bunch.
