Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Leo x Air Signs

Been on a rule with updates lately. Hopefully soon I will get around to fixing the blog, building a better archive, and going back to tag things. I started this whole mess back in '11 and a lot of the mechanics of this blog are embarrassingly archaic!


Leo x Gemini - Light + Wind = Blur

The Good: Leos like a guy who is open about being into them, and Gemini crushes hard. There is a part of Gemini that secretly likes a man who will exert his power over him, and Leos love to exert. Leos who have gotten over themselves are usually sources of influence in gay social circles and have a kingdom of loyal friends. Gemini likes this because he likes to be among interesting people and gravitates to where the action is. There is a hint of a “daddy x son” relationship here, because Leo likes to spoil the Gemini guy. Geminis, for all their running around, love the idea of love and a Leo dude is very reciprocal and comforting to him.

The Bad: Obviously Leos like their lover's attention, but Gemini operates between two worlds, and when he isn't “present” a Leo can get restless. Leo's are also super territorial and Gemini's are super flirtatious, even when they aren't trying to be. This turns Leo from benevolent king into domineering dictator. A Gemini will not have it and is not afraid to complain openly about perceived mistreatment. Suddenly there is a badguy x goodguy dichotomy, and it's not a healthy one—mostly because from an outsider perspective, both Leo and Gemini are treating each other horribly. A more insecure Leo will feel as if his boyfriend doesn't care about him all because he's always off doing other things and in turn the Gemini will see his boyfriend as being selfish, self-centered, and thick-headed.

The Sexy: Leo men are boldly horny, and Gemini is the perfect plaything. Gemini likes a sex monster, and has no complaints about his Leo man's voracious appetite. Since Gemini's like roleplay and the idea of switching between domineering and submissive paradigms, an emotionally strong and powerful figure like Leo is right up his ally.

Leo x Libra - Light + Sky = Dawn

The Good: The Leo and Libra tango is quite the dastardly dance. A Libra and Leo will always get into a relationship because of two things: they both thought the other guy was hot. They fashion themselves as a power couple. At least in public. Behind closed doors, they are total dorks. Both may be closet nerds, and it's totally sweet that Libra has found another guy who shares in his love of old anime. These guys share a love of the finer thing as well as a love of bettering the world. Both of these dudes have always seen themselves as superheroes. But who is the Robin and who is the Bat Man? Well, Leo may rule the roost but secretly, Libra calls the shots.

The Bad: This tango may quickly turn into a game of manipulation. Leos, being "fixed" signs, are very content to preside over their court and be content that it not change. For a Libra, the scales quite often tip. This can lead to jealousy. Libras are wont to wander when they see something they like, and the Leo has every right to call him out on this BS. This also means that ground rules must be set. Libras are notorious at avoiding conflict, which also means avoiding problem solving. Leos hate to be the bad guy. In order to tackle an issue, both men must learn to suck it up and diplomatically assess their relationship flaws.

The Sexy: Libras often fall into a horrible habit of trying to overcompensate for their perceived insecurities, and so often will only take a dominant stance in the bedroom. With a Leo, this changes. Yes, Leos are good at taking it or dishing it, but with Libra they want him to feel comfortable experimenting with a passive role. Libra trusts Leo in this respect.

Leo x Aquarius - Light + Air = Rainbows

The Good: With Leo man's flare for the dramatic and an Aquarius dude's penchant for dancing to the beat of the oddest drum, this is a match that is built on two unique individuals finding someone in the world who jibes with their weird. Savy Leos have been burned by coming on too strong in the past, and so this lion will prowl most cautiously around an Aquarian of interest. No doubt though that the O.G. waterboy will be drawn to the Leo man's creativity and general sense of not giving the slightest of fucks. In social settings, they are the strange couple that everyone enjoys running into at parties. The Mr. and Mrs. Helena and Tim Burton of the gay world. And because each of them love to talk, Leo/Aquarius will never run dry in the conversation department.

The Bad: Ironically, it is their intrinsic uniqueness that will drive each other crazy. Leo watching his Aquarius man socialize at parties is like watching a train wreck in motion. Sometimes he is just TOO weird, or TOO drunk, or TOO awkward. Likewise, the Aquarius finds Leo an extreme of being too shy or being WAY too overconfident. These quirks will begin to chafe the other man. When it comes to affection, Leo wants to smother Aquarius in a blanket of love. But Aquarius is teflon and cannot stand being stifled with emotion. It will make him want to run the other way. A balance is needed here as both men operate at extremes.

The Sexy: Aquarius brings the strange to the bedroom, and Leo is willing to roll with it. Secretly he is also eager to be better at it than Aquarius. This is most pronounced in S/M roleplay. Leo takes to the dom role like a fish to water, and loves to make his Aquarius his slaveboy. But when the leather boot is on the other foot, Leo loves being put in his place by such a cold heel.

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